This weekend I decided to spend about two hours taking pictures of all my products, I plated them and everything. And took a few things and tried to make them a little more artsy.
School I love so much, this week is the Ice Cream and Sorbet unit, I know totally awesome! I am learning so much and totally understanding everything, which usually never happens. The Chefs, Interns, and Classmates are the best things in the world!
My friends are so awesome!!! I have gotten to know so many people in my stream, and we hang out every weekend. We have been doing Friday Night Dinners after class, and then on the weekend we have been getting together.
This past weekend a bunch of us went to this Chocolate Show Case at Whole Foods, they had some really nice things, and so many yummy chocolates that we got to taste. Chocolate is my favorite thing to do, so I always love seeing Chocolate Sculptures, and all the little pieces of chocolate, it makes me giddy.
Then we all got together later that night to Celebrate Katie’s 21st Birthday! We just had so much fun, hung out at Danielle’s house, ordered Chinese food, dances and played wii. How much better could it get? It is just awesome, Katie and I clicked right away, and then we pretty much got everyone to join in. The first week we were like we need to break all these people, we need to get everyone to have some fun. Now I can totally be myself and not think anything of it. Its just great we all get each other, we got to school and do our thing, but the minute we leave ands it down to have some dinner we all just get each other and we can just have a good time. I just love these people so much, Im pretty sure we have the best stream!

Well I will be writing another blog this weekend, I have to tell everyone about Ice Cream, its just so exciting.
I am having the best time of my life, hope everyone else is too!