Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crazy Couple of Weeks

It has been a long couple of weeks; I was finishing up plated desserts, started my job, and had my first exams!!

We finished plated desserts and it was one of my favorite things ever, I loved doing it so much. I am just very glad I got that experience and now I am ready to go into a restaurant and really see the production. I want to learn way more about plated dessert, because I think it is something I do want to go into. Work at a few restaurants and hotels doing more of it.

Cappuccino Creme Brulee

Then in groups we got to make our own desserts.

So besides plated desserts, we had our first exam!! I know its crazy I am almost 1/3rd through the program. This is just going by so fast that sometimes you don’t even notice it.

Exams were not bad at all, I went in thinking whatever I can do this. I just couldn’t even worry about it because I knew there was nothing to worry about. In the end there was nothing to worry about, the first day was a little stressful I had to make my meringues 3 times, but that could be a bunch of dumb things. I could have not gotten all the water out of the bowl, or not all the fat out of the containers. But then the second day I got all organized, make labels for everything, and got all my notes straighten up, I had plenty of time and was able to make my crepes and made my pastilles. And then the final day, got a bunch turned in right away, found a time slot to make my soufflés right away, and got my cake done and had about 3 hours to spare. It was the best thing ever!! I realized there is not reason to get stressed out for a baking exam, its not even worth it, just take your time and call it good.

Well besides school, I started a job, its been tiring getting home late having school work to do then going to work early n the morning but someone has to do it. In the end you just remember what you are doing is because you love to do it, so if you need to put a lot of hours in and get no sleep so you can do what you love then that is what happens. So tough love right?!?!? That’s what I just keep telling myself.

So I love school so much, school makes me love life more and more everyday, there is something about it all that makes me just excited. Well I would say besides being in Chicago and going to FPS there are only a few other really big joys I have in life.

But the biggest joy in my life is my family <3!!!

I just love them all so much, and so the only thing that could make everything even better here is the Ohio gang came and saw me this weekend!! <3<3<3!!

I got to see my two nephews, my awesome Micah Man who I love so much!! It is sad I don’t get to see him everyday!! But the time I spend with him is precious and I take every minute of it I can get. And then there is Baby Benjamin, when I got to hold him the first time it was the best thing ever, and now I got to see him three and a half months later and it was just precious. Holding him is the best thing in the world. Because after being with Micah for so long I know they know you and remember you and if I have to I will brain wash him so he will remember me…Jking. But those two kids are the loves of my life; I just love them so much.

It was also so awesome to see Jeremy and Kim, I just have the best family ever and I am just so happy they drove out here for the weekend to see me! They are so supportive and so loving; I just love them so much. I wish I could see them more often, but I will get to see them in a month!! While they were here I made dinner for everyone, and celebrated Kim’s birthday! They got to try all my stuff from school.

They were having too much fun at the Childrens Museum, Micah was soaked after they came out of the WaterWay.s

Well starting a new unit this week. Chocolate!! I am way excited, I’ll let you all know how it goes.

Have a great night!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Am Living the Life

As always this week has been busy, I am pretty sure busier than the others. I have been running around, well taking buses and trains all over the place. With job interviews, getting things taken care of for applications, and school it’s been a crazy week. I have been getting pretty exhausted, and with a really busy weekend it didn’t help much. But I was able to get some sleep in today so that did help.

This week started another unit; which is now my third unit, I am up to plated desserts. I love plated desserts, its one of the reasons why I went into pastries, I remember going to Las Vegas and seeing all these Buffets and even though it was way busy, and just a piece of chocolate cake they still plated it so delicate.

The one thing I do love is all the little things that go into it, you may have a piece of chocolate cake, but then you might have to think of a sauce, flavor ice cream and garnish. And then in the end every piece comes together. In just one week we have already made quiet a few desserts, and still have another week. Each dessert is so good and even though you think you’re not going to like it, you end up loving it. In one week I have had pears, plums and grapefruit which I never eat but now I love all three!

One of my favorites was the Chocolate Lover’s Obsession, because I do love chocolate and we paired that with coffee ice cream. Two of favorite things, then we added some crushed up nuts, and chocolate swirls and it makes the dessert so elegant.

I thought the unit was going to be a lot harder just because we haven’t learned that much but really each component is separate so you just learn one thing at a time. Also we just changed instructors and you can tell our instructor for this unit really thinks about everything she does. You don’t just throw everything onto a plate; you have to think about what needs to go where. There are so many components to one plated dessert.

Warm Papillotte and Exotic Fruit, Strawberry Sorbet and Spiced Tuiles

Vanilla Chilboust with Fresh Red Wild Berries

Warm Vanilla-Roasted Pineapple with Mango Sorbet and Mango Chips

Those are just a few that we have done, I have been so happy with everything Katie and I have made. We really work well together and both have different styles on how to plate things so its really helpful. We really help each other out.

This weekend was a crazy and busy one; it was the schools biggest event, For the Love of Chocolate. The even is to raise money for Scholarships, and man do they go all out. People are set up all over with savory food, and then tons of desserts. There is body painting, messages and hookah, everyone from the school was there to help so we didn’t get to enjoy everything but we got to walk around and see what was going on. A bunch of us already said that next year we will be back but we will be attending and enjoying the event. I do have to say the highlight of my night was meeting Courtney Clark, she is a past student of FPS but she is always a Food Network Competitor I am always rooting for her when I am watching the challenges. She was so nice, and just talked to me for a little bit and was just giving me some advice with school. I have to say that made my night!!

So besides us at the school all day Saturday, we decided we would be good student and get up in the morning to help clean. So a bunch of us went to Danielle’s house around midnight, had something to eat, we finally decided to go to sleep, and guess what we had to wake up…haha, it was way tiring but it was good to help, plus I got a piece of this Chocolate Moose cake, it was awesome!!

Not much else here, last weekend Barb, Annie and I went Ice Skating. Pretty cold out but had a great time.

Well I better get it going, I just spent the last hour getting a package ready to send out to my parents, pretty much just emptied out the fridge and sending it all to them. Made cookies using a cup to roll them out and cut them. But then I had to use a baking mat on top of a cupcake sheet because I don’t have any baking pans. Man each day is just another adventure. But it’s always a good one.

Hope everyone has a great week!