Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crazy Couple of Weeks

It has been a long couple of weeks; I was finishing up plated desserts, started my job, and had my first exams!!

We finished plated desserts and it was one of my favorite things ever, I loved doing it so much. I am just very glad I got that experience and now I am ready to go into a restaurant and really see the production. I want to learn way more about plated dessert, because I think it is something I do want to go into. Work at a few restaurants and hotels doing more of it.

Cappuccino Creme Brulee

Then in groups we got to make our own desserts.

So besides plated desserts, we had our first exam!! I know its crazy I am almost 1/3rd through the program. This is just going by so fast that sometimes you don’t even notice it.

Exams were not bad at all, I went in thinking whatever I can do this. I just couldn’t even worry about it because I knew there was nothing to worry about. In the end there was nothing to worry about, the first day was a little stressful I had to make my meringues 3 times, but that could be a bunch of dumb things. I could have not gotten all the water out of the bowl, or not all the fat out of the containers. But then the second day I got all organized, make labels for everything, and got all my notes straighten up, I had plenty of time and was able to make my crepes and made my pastilles. And then the final day, got a bunch turned in right away, found a time slot to make my soufflés right away, and got my cake done and had about 3 hours to spare. It was the best thing ever!! I realized there is not reason to get stressed out for a baking exam, its not even worth it, just take your time and call it good.

Well besides school, I started a job, its been tiring getting home late having school work to do then going to work early n the morning but someone has to do it. In the end you just remember what you are doing is because you love to do it, so if you need to put a lot of hours in and get no sleep so you can do what you love then that is what happens. So tough love right?!?!? That’s what I just keep telling myself.

So I love school so much, school makes me love life more and more everyday, there is something about it all that makes me just excited. Well I would say besides being in Chicago and going to FPS there are only a few other really big joys I have in life.

But the biggest joy in my life is my family <3!!!

I just love them all so much, and so the only thing that could make everything even better here is the Ohio gang came and saw me this weekend!! <3<3<3!!

I got to see my two nephews, my awesome Micah Man who I love so much!! It is sad I don’t get to see him everyday!! But the time I spend with him is precious and I take every minute of it I can get. And then there is Baby Benjamin, when I got to hold him the first time it was the best thing ever, and now I got to see him three and a half months later and it was just precious. Holding him is the best thing in the world. Because after being with Micah for so long I know they know you and remember you and if I have to I will brain wash him so he will remember me…Jking. But those two kids are the loves of my life; I just love them so much.

It was also so awesome to see Jeremy and Kim, I just have the best family ever and I am just so happy they drove out here for the weekend to see me! They are so supportive and so loving; I just love them so much. I wish I could see them more often, but I will get to see them in a month!! While they were here I made dinner for everyone, and celebrated Kim’s birthday! They got to try all my stuff from school.

They were having too much fun at the Childrens Museum, Micah was soaked after they came out of the WaterWay.s

Well starting a new unit this week. Chocolate!! I am way excited, I’ll let you all know how it goes.

Have a great night!

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