Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year

Another year has gone by, and 2010 is a year I will never forget. I moved to Chicago to start my training as a baker/ pastry chef/chocolatier whatever my desire would be in the end. And those months of schooling, where ones I can never replace. I met the most amazing chefs during that time, and learned so much from them. It was day after day of going to school and just learning as much as I could, and taking in all that I could. I also met so many friends there, that I know I will always have. Those are the people that helped me though each day. I graduated from FPS and then stayed on to intern for the next six months, I got to work with the Chefs more and learned more then I already knew. It was a hard, tiring, stressful six months, but it was worth it, and the friendships I made with the other interns is something most people will never get. We all went through something that I think we will look back at and think did this really happen. Everyone had there moments, but we all got through it and towards the end we all started going our separate ways. At some point we were all going to find our next adventure to take and I’m still finding mine. I am heading to NYC to find my next adventure, and I hope this one is good. I am ready for what is coming next, I have a lot of nerves and I am scared for it all. But at the same time I am nervous, and I don’t know what could happen next.
Thanks for everyone who reads this; hopefully I can try to keep up with my blog.

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